Pick Your One Year Bible Reading Plan!


As you enter into a new year, a new decade, be strategic in planning how you are going to get into the Word of God. Reading through the Bible in a year can feel like a daunting task, but it is totally doable!

Why is it important to read the Bible in a year? There is zero evidence in scripture that specifically speaks about reading the Bible in 365 days. However, the Bible does highlight the importance of continual study of the Word.

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” -Joshua 1:8 NLT

One Year Bible Reading plans are helpful and strategic in keeping us focused in obeying this continuation. Plus, it offers a historic, prophetic, and inspirational overview from creation to Revelation! Scripture interprets scripture.

I have completed reading the Bible in a year three times. It is a practice that I never regret and grown to love more and more in each year that follows. The best advice I can give you is to begin by asking God to help you fall in love with His word. This is a prayer He absolutely loves to answer.

Start today, select a One Year Bible Reading Plans for you…

1) Chronological reading plan– The Chronological reading plan unfolds the events of the Bible as they occurred in historic order. To begin you will first read a few chapters of Genesis and then jump straight into the book of Job. This is my favorite Bible reading plan introduced to me by author, speaker, teacher, and dear friend, Traci Shinnick. Her website is a treasure trove of devotional resources that equip readers to understand the Word and encourage them to seek hearing God’s voice.  “What are We to Do With the Scripture?” is a great place to start!

2) Canonical reading planThis plan streamlines straight through the Bibleโ€”from Genesis to Revelation. Cover to cover, you will be supplied with reading for each day during this calendar year. There is even an alternative “Stay-On-Track plan” that break this plan down even further to help continue reading! 

3) Read the Bible by genre– To help you keep your pace and prevent you from losing interest this reading plan offers a unique twist. It divides up your daily reading into the main types of literature. Everyday you will read a different genre, such as Gospels, Law, Narrative (History), Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, and Epistles! Not only are you learning the narrative of the Word but you are also learning the literary style in which they were written.

4) Listen to Bible using the YouVersion Bible App– Simply search “One Year Bible Reading Plan” and you will find a plethora to chose from. A perk of reading/listening digitally is the opportunity for you to invite your friends to study alongside you. This is a great way to encourage one another and create strong accountability. You will love watching the little progress bar move at the end of each day! Press in and press on!

A few things to hold know and hold close as you read. Pray before, after, and while you read the Word. Remember, it is a living and life giving tool.

As you read the Bible it will also read you.

The Holy Spirit will move in your heart; convict, challenge, and comfort you. Surrender to the Message of Jesus and be obedient to His teachings.

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, this is nothing to be ashamed of, but know this is an option for you! You can invite Him into your life right now and He will change everything, including give you the hope of eternal life with Him. I pray an urgency falls in your spirit and you will receive the unconditional love of the cross wholly!

May this year we arm ourselves with mugs of coffee, journals, and moments spent in scripture. God’s Word is the only way we can navigate life. It is the only Truth.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

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